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Announcing the AngularJS Material v1.1.13 Release

We have released AngularJS Material v1.1.13.

This release is now available in our Online Documentation, NPM, and Bower. It is also available on the Google CDN (JS, CSS).

You can find the details for all releases in our Change Log.


This is a patch release that includes a couple enhancements in addition to bug fixes and documentation improvements.

  • md-autocomplete now supports variable-height autocomplete list items when using md-mode="standard". Find out more in the updated docs and the new Repeat Mode demo.

  • The md-date-filter API will now disable months when looking at the month picker in the md-datepicker and md-calendar. Note that only the first day of the month is checked.

  • A number of issues specific to IE11 and Firefox were resolved.

  • md-radio-button styles were updated to better align with the Material Design 2017 spec. This changes the style of focused, unchecked and checked, disabled radio buttons.

Known Issues

  • The fix for copying links to example/demo anchor headers didn’t quite work as expected in production. It’s been fixed in master via 163b762.

  • Large SVGs used with md-icon can cause applications to hang since v1.1.11. This is being tracked in #11651 and is being worked on in PR #11653.

  • We fixed an issue where the md-autocomplete would sometimes position the dropdown on top even when there was no room in the viewport. The improved calculation means that there are more opportunities for the dropdown to show in the default top position where it would have used the bottom position previously. We’re considering changing this to make bottom the first choice again. Please leave us feedback on this in #11656. In the meantime, you can use md-dropdown-position="bottom" as a workaround.

Bug Fixes


  • autocomplete: support variable-height autocomplete list items (#11516) (562e0c7)

  • datepicker, calendar: md-date-filter disables months in month mode (#11526) (8aa5d58), closes #11525


  • checkbox: clarify description of md-no-ink (#11605)

  • docs: copying links to example/demo anchor headers gives a bad URL (#11634), closes #11285

  • menu: add demo and docs for dense menus. (#11602)

  • ripple: break out docs for $mdInkRippleProvider from $mdInkRipple (#11606)


Thank you to the contributors who helped with the v1.1.13 release:

AngularJS Material 1.1.13 Contributors